The system and The State
The State Foundation for the National Youth and Children’s Orchestra of Venezuela was established on February 20, 1979 (Decree Nº 3039, Official Gazette Nº 31681) with the purpose of preparing highly qualified musicians and obtaining the finance required to execute its plans, activities and programs.
The State Foundation for the National System of Youth and Children’s Orchestras of Venezuela (FESNOJIV) was founded in 1996 in order to promote and develop the youth and children’s orchestras formed or that may be formed by El Sistema across the country; as well as to implement activities and programs aiming at the education and training of the orchestra’s members.
The State Foundation for the National System of Youth and Children’s Orchestras of Venezuela (FESNOJIV) was founded in 1996 in order to promote and develop the youth and children’s orchestras formed or that may be formed by El Sistema across the country; as well as to implement activities and programs aiming at the education and training of the orchestra’s members.
The FESNOJIV is attached to the Ministry of People’s Power for Participation and Social Protection, for bringing individual benefits to youngsters and having a positive impact on the family, the community and therefore, on the society.
The FESNOJIV supports the Simon Bolivar National Youth Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela, the National Youth and Children’s Orchestra of Venezuela, the local and regional youth and children’s symphony orchestras, the choral and chambers’ groups born in the bosom of El Sistema, as well as the academic and operational centers.
From a functional, educational, artistic and administrative point of view, El Sistema is made up of Núcleos operating in many cities and towns of Venezuela, thus integrating a complex and systematic network encompassing more than 150 youth orchestras and 70 children’s orchestras.
The Núcleo serve as an example and a school of social life wherein orchestral and choral activities developed by the community take place. 300,000 youngsters attend the 190 Núcleos attached and coordinated by the FESNOJIV’s Sectorial Division for Music Academic Training.

In the last two decades, the local professional symphony orchestras emerged from El Sistema have become independent state-funded organizations which have joined together in the Federación de Orquestas Sinfónicas Regionales de Venezuela (Federation of Regional Symphony Orchestras of Venezuela).
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